Cost effective

You will find our rates competitive and attractive, and our quality of work far ahead of the rest.


All our projects are conducted in a manner which ensures a lasting product is left with you.


If something is worth doing, its worth doing right. That's why at RJPlant we ensure you receive the best solution for your scope.


  • Forestry Commission
    We have conducted vast amounts of work for the forestry commission including, planting and disposal as well as road building.
  • Scottish Woodland
    Our work with Scottish Woodland has included forestry maintenance, road construction and mounding.
  • Crown Estate
    We have recently constructed over 60 miles of forestry road for the Crown Estate at Glen Livete, as well as several maintenance and planting contracts.
  • Fountain Forestry
    Fountain Forestry have entrusted us with several forestry maintenance and establishment projects.

Past Experience

Forestry has always been at the core of our business interests, we have strong ties with the Forestry Commission, Crown Estates, Scottish Woodlands and many more. We are happy to conduct both commercial forestry and private woodland work.

We are equipped with specialized forestry equipment such as our Swedish Bracke planter, which creates mounds in restock sites and plants a tree in one step. We also have hydraulic mulchers for economically disposing of woodland waste.

Forestry haulage is also with in our capabilities.

Contact us for more information, site visit or quotation.